Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I might be a crazy person

Hi, my name is Amber and I have a problem.

Any of you who have known me for a long time probably know that I have a terribly addictive personality and I am a junkie for learning new things and collecting hobbies.  I don't know at what point that turns from a fun quirk into a real problem, but I also don't know if I care anymore.

As a result of that quirk, I am now a licensed Zumba fitness instructor!

I get my "collecting" hobby from my mom, who happened to be collecting some new fitness DVDs one day and somehow through a fulfillment mistake, her order was doubled.  She had an extra copy of the original set of Zumba fitness DVDs and toning sticks, and of course I said I'd take them.

Very old school, how long did I hold on to these before I tried one out?

Then they sat in a box for at least five or six years.  It probably was more than that.  I didn't crack open the disks until November of 2015 when I finally realized that if I kept waiting for my schedule to allow me to attend group fitness classes, I would never be any further along in getting my "sweat" on than I was at that moment.

After I stumbled a little bit through the first DVD and learned all the moves I quickly became a convert.  Everything I had ever loved about dance classes, all of the energy and the passion in the music, the smiles on everyone's faces, all of this combined to get me hooked on this fitness trend irrevocably!

My children and husband lamented as I played the "Zumba Fitness Radio" station on Pandora endlessly and I'm sure other friends and family wondered what the hell was wrong with me when I would break into dance at random moments throughout the day.

More than anything, I feel like the energy, inclusiveness, and community of other Zumba addicts have helped put some pep back into my step every day.

Clearly the next step was to become an instructor.  That's what every one with a serious government job and two master's degrees does at this stage of their life, right?

Of course it is.  So I signed up to take an instructor's course and have been busy listening to music, breaking down choreography, and getting ready to take on another new adventure ever since.

Who wouldn't want to be a rock star like this?

(That's me in the very back, drenched in sweat with a stupid smile on my face.)

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