Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 2, Day 1 - Movin' on up...

Today I started week two.  No kids this time, but my mom did join me.  I like running on my own, but there is something to be said for a little bit of company to get you motivated.  Since spring break is over and I'll be going back to classes this week, I wanted to try to get the week started on a good note for exercise before I got stuck in classes and excuses and ended up blowing things off.  I've got a little routine down for my "track" that I've been following, it's just about the right length and it's varied enough I am not sick of it yet.

View C25K - W2D1 - 03/25/2012 7:33 PM in a larger map

There was a decided increase in intensity on this run.  I didn't realize that going from 60 seconds to 90 seconds would make such a difference.  I could feel my muscles working much harder, and I got a little more winded on this trip.  I really pushed myself hard to get through the entire set though.  I made it to the end and felt exhausted so I streched a little bit and then sat down.

And that was the worst mistake I could have made.

Clearly, I need to work on my core strength and do some more low-impact activity before I can get serious about running, because I nearly crippled myself.  Once I sat down, my lower back (pelvis/tailbone/etc) completely locked up.  There was a good deal of inflamation and swelling, and I'm feeling like it was probably from the impact/pounding of getting all of my "mass" going on the sidwalk.  It is definitely NOT in my muscles, because no amount of gentle stretching or warm bath is helping.  I guess tonight is a night for a leftover Vicodin and a sick day tomorrow from work.

As far as stats go (using MyTracks):
Time: 32:08
Distance: 1.94 miles
Max speed: 7.36 mph
Avg speed: 3.63 mph

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 1, Day 3 - Might Be Actually Liking This

Day three of week one waited until Saturday, Friday was just kind of a relax and "party" day, so I didn't get to it.  The run itself went great, I am feeling really good about the week 1.  The weather was warm and beautiful, and we went fairly early in the morning. 

Not only did my husband come out with me, but my kids did too.  They definitely did not get the whole "pacing yourself" part of things.  I had to push myself quite a bit to keep up with them in the beginning, and by the end, I thought I was dragging them along like this:

All in all though, it went really well.  I felt good, my pacing was a little off, but I made it through the entire set and finished well. 

And rewarded myself with a delicious breakfast burrito once I was finished.  I could get used to this. 

As far as stats go (using MyTracks):
Time: 29:16
Distance: 1.74 miles
Max speed: 9.49 mph
Avg speed: 3.57 mph

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 1, Day 2 - I haven't quit yet! Do I get a cookie?

Getting ready for the second day of this wasn't a really fun thing to do.  I was still a little sore from two days ago, and I kept thinking that maybe playing games on my phone would be a much better activity while I "recovered" from the first day of working out. 

Then the angry, impatient part of myself slapped me around a little bit.  She asked me if taking thirty minutes out of my day was worth it to not have a heart attack and die before I am 50.  I agreed that it sounded like a very reasonable trade-off and headed out. 

I definitely went much looser with my laces to give my feet some room to expand and that seems to have made all the difference in the world, no top-of-foot pain today.  I got it into my head that I want to do "barefoot" running, or as close as one can get.  I'm using Vibram Five-Fingers and they have been surprisingly fun (oh my gosh, they are comfortable, and kids everywhere seem to love them).  There are times I think I might need better arch support, so I am considering picking up a pair of "regular" shoes to use some of the time. 

The best part of week-one-day-two was that my husband came out running with me.  We both have some work to do on getting in shape, and it meant so much to me that he'd come out and join me.  I'm not even within a light-year of "marathon" shape, but I am starting to enjoy this and I'm already looking forward to day three of training either Friday or Saturday.  So far, so good!

As far as stats go (using MyTracks):
Time: 29:11
Distance: 1.69 miles
Max speed: 6.8 mph
Avg speed: 3.60 mph

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

An Experiment in Commitment

After months years too long spending my time making excuses for my health and fitness rather than actually doing something about it, my desperation to no longer be in the same weight class as hippos and small airplanes has finally overtaken my lack of inertia to get my butt moving.  I started the Couch-to-5k running program this week.  I am going to get into some kind of manageable physical condition if it kills me, although I sincerely hope it doesn't.

After week-one-day-one, my first time running for any extended length of time since being on the track team in middle school, I was surprised at how quickly my lungs were able to rebound after each little burst of running.  I used to have a lot of respiration problems, and I would tire out my lungs (burning) a long time before my muscles would ever feel it. 

That is definitely not the case anymore.

I woke up Tuesday morning incredibly sore along my lower calves, with a little bit of a shin splint, and with some pain and tenderness along the top of my foot and ankle.  I definitely don't mind the calves or the shins, although they make me hobble a little bit, because I used to be a very fit person.  It's not super comfortable, but there is a part of me that loves the bite of lactic acid.  I know I worked, I know I moved, and I know I pushed my muscles to their limit.

The foot and ankle pain did bother me because I wasn't able to stretch it out over the course of the day and it felt like it was in the bones.  After a bit of google searching, I found out that any long-term or serious damage to that area is usually called extensor tendonitis, and can be caused by a number of different things.  Step one is going to be much looser lacing when I go on day two, and step two is being mindful of my feet to make sure I'm not keeping my toes pointed too high.

Right now I'm still excited for this to keep going.  Let's see how long I can stay committed. 

As far as stats go (using MyTracks):
Time: 28:50
Distance: 1.82 miles
Max speed: 8.52 mph
Avg speed: 3.85 mph